Saturday, August 31, 2013

Be As The Deer

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.

Psalm 42:1

I was feeling kind of down and dry in my spirit today and this verse came to mind. I didn't remember where it was found in the bible and was going to look it up after my devotional reading, but I ended up not needing to, as it was one of the verses I read in my devotions. As I was thinking on this verse it came to me that when a deer longs for the streams of water it makes its way over to the stream right away and drinks it in to its hearts content. You would think we would do the same. Sometimes we do, but other times we get distracted and caught up doing other things. God calls to us patiently to come refresh our spirit with the living waters that can quench our thirsty soul as nothing else can.

Praying to always be as the deer,

P.S. I also found this beautiful video of the song "As The Deer" that blessed me so much and wanted to share it as well.

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