Saturday, August 31, 2013

Be As The Deer

As the deer pants for the water brooks,
So pants my soul for You, O God.

Psalm 42:1

I was feeling kind of down and dry in my spirit today and this verse came to mind. I didn't remember where it was found in the bible and was going to look it up after my devotional reading, but I ended up not needing to, as it was one of the verses I read in my devotions. As I was thinking on this verse it came to me that when a deer longs for the streams of water it makes its way over to the stream right away and drinks it in to its hearts content. You would think we would do the same. Sometimes we do, but other times we get distracted and caught up doing other things. God calls to us patiently to come refresh our spirit with the living waters that can quench our thirsty soul as nothing else can.

Praying to always be as the deer,

P.S. I also found this beautiful video of the song "As The Deer" that blessed me so much and wanted to share it as well.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Door Without a Knob

 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens 
the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me.

Revelation 3:20 

I like games where you find what is wrong in a picture. Normally a door without a door knob on the outside would be wrong. However, this picture represents the door to our heart, which can only be opened from the inside. Jesus knocks on the door to our heart, but we must open the door and invite Him in, in order for Him to enter. 

Wishing for all to let Him in,

Sunday, August 25, 2013

The Narrow Gate

Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way 
that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it.

Matthew 7:13

I love this painting. I used to have a poster of it on my wall. Notice there is no middle road. We all come to a crossroads at some point in our life and must choose which path to take. If we choose not to follow God, the only other path is Satan's way to destruction. Yes, the gate God invites us to follow is  narrow, but Jesus paid for it with His life, took our sins upon Himself, and took our place on the cross. He provided the only way through this gate. We are not forced to go through it, but lovingly invited to. 

Hoping for all to choose the path paved by love,

Love of a Father

Last night I heard a speaker talking about a young heiress who had all that money could buy, but she was very unhappy. For the only thing she really wanted was her father's love. She tried to reach out to him on several occasions, but time and again he just turned her away. He didn't have time for her in his life. It made me sad to think of a girl not knowing that she has a father who loves her. I am so happy to have been  blessed with two loving fathers: the father I was born to, and God, my Heavenly Father, as well.

No one has to live their life not knowing the love of a Father. It is not our choice whether or not we are born to a father who loves us, but we do have the choice to know the love of God, the Father. He offers His love to all who will receive it. All we have to do is ask.

Wishing Fatherly love to all,