Sunday, August 25, 2013

Love of a Father

Last night I heard a speaker talking about a young heiress who had all that money could buy, but she was very unhappy. For the only thing she really wanted was her father's love. She tried to reach out to him on several occasions, but time and again he just turned her away. He didn't have time for her in his life. It made me sad to think of a girl not knowing that she has a father who loves her. I am so happy to have been  blessed with two loving fathers: the father I was born to, and God, my Heavenly Father, as well.

No one has to live their life not knowing the love of a Father. It is not our choice whether or not we are born to a father who loves us, but we do have the choice to know the love of God, the Father. He offers His love to all who will receive it. All we have to do is ask.

Wishing Fatherly love to all,


  1. When our earthly. Father reject us, Thank God for his loving kindness.

  2. Absolutely. His love for us is amazing. Wish everyone knew of it. Thank you for replying. God Bless you. :)

  3. Thank you so much. I needed that. Beautifully written, with the Spirit of God flowing from it.

  4. Thank you so much Sandi. God bless you. :)
